Yesterday Once More
Released: 1985
Label: A&M Records
Front cover: This is basically perfect. Little work done.
Gatefold: If you only knew what I went through to fix this. As we know, a gatefold, well, folds. As such, two of the pics were positioned right where the fold crease was. I did a search and found those exact photos, color-matched, pasted them in, and cloned out the rest of the crease. If I could’ve found the one photo of Richard in the top-center, I could have done better but this isn’t awful, I guess.
Advertisement: This is basically untouched as well. A crease or two but that’s it.
Back cover: Again, just about perfect. Easily scanned and uploaded. Important to note too is that the back cover is actually upside-down. Since this didn’t make any sense for display purposes here, I flipped the image so you could view it properly.
Labels: All labels have minor scratches near spindle hole but all were easily fixed up. As you can see, I arbitrarily decided to color match the background.