Kenny Loggins – High Adventure

Released:  1982
Label:  Columbia/CBS Records


Front cover:  The color on this one had become a little less vivid due to its 41-year age so I increased the saturation a little bit in Photoshop and it looked great.  A few wrinkles removed and we were good to go.

Front sleeve:  The only issues here was minor wrinkling.  Doing a total color replacement at the largest size got rid of that entirely.  Beyond that, it looks great.

Back sleeve:  Same issue here.  Easily solved here too.

Back cover:  More minor saturation work and wrinkle removal but nothing too serious.

Hype sticker:  This is, somehow, in amazing shape.  I replaced all the dark blue behind the text but beyond that, it’s basically pristine.

Labels:  These labels had gone yellow due to age so I fixed that at the scanning stage by adding some blue to even it out.  This is as they look when they’re new.