Diana Ross – Ross

Released:  1983
Label:  RCA Records









Front cover:  This is a recent acquisition (this was purchased sealed and scanned the night I received it).  It’s clearly been sealed for a long time as it has some minor scratches that got through the cellophane.  Still, it’s in great shape and cloning took care of the parts that weren’t.  This may very well be her best album cover.

Sleeve-front:  The sleeve has been in its jacket for a very long time and it shows.  The wrinkling was hard to get rid of and you can’t replace the color without destroying the integrity of the text.  I did the best I could.

Sleeve-back:  Same thing here.  Much wrinkling here and I’m not sure why.  A lot of it was actually taken care of in the scanning stage.  I grabbed three sheets of card stock and put them in the sleeve to smooth out the problem areas.  Once scanned, it looked far better but there was still some wrinkling remaining.  Again, I did what I could as color replacement was impossible.

Back cover:  As you can see, the red chosen on everything is very intense and it practically washes out the release number on the bottom-left side.  I didn’t alter it as that’s the way it really looks.  There are two very interesting things to note here:  “Ross” is a trademark of hers and she appears to own the copyright on this album.  It has recently (finally!) been re-released on Funky Town Grooves so it appears that re-release was hers to negotiate. 

Promo sticker:  This sticker is flawless.  Just scanned and uploaded.  I also arbitrarily color-matched the background.

Labels:  How she got away without using the record company logo is a mystery.  These are both in great shape so no problem scanning, removing spindle hole, and uploading.

