Richard Pryor – Live in Concert (Promotional bag 1978)
Richard Pryor
“Live in Concert”
(Promotional bag 1978)
Notes: As you can see in the “before” photo I’ve included, this thing was torched. I got it from a record store that was going out of business and it was in a box of things that were about to be tossed. The “before” photo is not the source; it’s just a pic I snapped with my cellphone. The bag was scanned with multiple sheets of card stock to try to remove as many wrinkles as possible in the scanning stage. Once scanned, I replaced the white background and the text color (no text was re-typed). When I washed out the white, some of the jacket and hair went with it so I had to put that back in with “cloning”. This took almost an hour to do as the wrinkles are, as you can see, very deep.