David Ruffin – Gentleman Ruffin

Released:  1980
Label:  Warner Bros. Records


Front cover:  The cover isn’t bad here at all.  It’s lived for many years inside of a record sleeve so that makes sense.  Just scanned and uploaded.

Sleeve-front:  This is just the transparent Warner sleeve. I had it so why not?  I inserted paper into the sleeve while scanning to make sure it scanned white and then used the paint bucket while it was at it’s maximum size to remove the paper edges entirely.  

Sleeve-back:  Both sides even.

Back cover:  Just like the “So Soon We Change”, this also has check marks and other commentary next to tunes that the original owner liked.  All were removed through “cloning”.

Labels:  The labels are pretty decent.  There is some very light pock-marking that’s easily cleaned up.