Billy Paul – 360 Degrees of Billy Paul
Released: 1972
Label: Philadelphia International/CBS Records
Front cover: Cover in decent shape. Just had to whiten slightly. I will also confess to fixing the effect they were going for. Digital editing allows for minor repairs that weren’t possible in 1972. This and I have become so incredibly arrogant as to second-guess the original jacket designer. 😉
Sleeve: There is only this one sleeve. This insert is incredibly thin. Yet, somehow, it’s managed to survive unscathed all these years. It’s absolutely pristine except for a little yellowing. I thought it was cool (and doing so would damage the lettering) so I didn’t bother to fix it.
Back cover: Back is in some trouble due to age. Cleaned up nicely with some “cloning” work.
Labels: Very nice labels. Just scanned and removed the spindle hole.