Melissa Manchester – Don’t Cry Out Loud
Released: 1978
Label: Arista Records
Front cover: This was sealed when I got it. Minor scratches but nothing I couldn’t remove.
Sleeve-front: The sleeve was sealed up tight in it’s jacket for who knows how long. As a result, it’s pretty wrinkled. I did what I could but I couldn’t do much without ruining the integrity of the type. Can’t win ’em all.
Sleeve-back: Same issue here. Wrinkling can’t be removed. The sleeves open up significantly larger than the windows. Just right-click on them and select “open in new tab/window”.
Back cover: Minor scratches here too – all easily removed.
Labels: I love this iteration of the Arista label but the glowing “A” proved problematic when removing the spindle. I got it done but it took time.