Jasmine Guy – Jasmine Guy
Released: 1990
Label: Warner Bros. Records
Front cover: Oh, You’d think this would have been in great shape. I bought it “sealed” when it came out. Sadly, I also played the heck out of it (criminally underrated album, honestly). It went to DJ gigs with me to as everyone loved “Just Want To Hold You”. As a result, it has a lot of scratches on it. I got rid of them but it took an unusually long time to do so.
Sleeves: I was clearly very careful with these because they’re in great shape.
Back cover: The back is somehow in far better shape than the front is. There were still some scratches and I “cloned” them out just like I did on the front.
Labels: Perfect labels. Getting rid of the spindle hole is never fun but it can be done. As with all Warners labels, I took part of the crest in the upper-left and pasted it into the one in the center. I then “cloned” around it to remove the lines. It doesn’t take too long to do and the fixes are totally believable.