Diana Ross and The Supremes with the Temptations – The Original Sound Track from TCB
Released: 1968
Label: Motown Records
Front cover: I’m not the original owner here but whoever was took very good care of this. I did almost nothing to this. The white border has seen better days (this is over 40 years old) so I replaced it on everything. There was also a tiny cut-out hole on the bottom-right that I removed.
Gatefold: This was pretty easy to split into two parts so I went ahead and did it. All creasing has been removed too so you can’t even see it. Beyond that, nothing was done as the image itself is pristine.
Back cover: Again, only cut-out hole was removed. Beyond that, nothing.
Sleeves: These sleeves are perfect minus the white areas. Those had seen better days so I replaced them with exactly the same color for authenticity. Replacing them with bright white wouldn’t have made sense and would have looked artificial.
Labels: Perfect labels. Just removed spindle hole. Nice and simple.