David Ruffin – So Soon We Change

Released:  1979
Label:  Warner Bros. Records


Front cover:  The only thing on this cover that distracts at all is the price sticker from a dearly-departed record store that I haven’t removed.  I know it isn’t of interest to anyone else so I’ve cloned it out.  Very easily done.

Sleeve-front:  This one has a few creases here and there but all of them were easily cloned out.

Sleeve-back:  …because I was already doing the other side, I guess, that’s why.. 😉

Back cover:  Another relatively simple one.  This one did pose some difficulty in that the previous owner decided to mark (with a pen) the tunes he/she liked.  He/she had a thing for most of the album and I do too.  Anyway, the check marks with plus signs were fairly easily removed.

Labels:  The labels are nice.  Removing the spindle hole posed a slight challenge but it wasn’t too difficult given the horizontal lines.