Chuck Mangione – Fun and Games
Released: 1980
Label: A&M Records
Front cover: I’ve had this for years but have taken very good care of it. As a result, little to do. It does have a cut-out mark on the bottom-left and that took some time to get rid of for obvious reasons. I took a piece of another window, pasted it over the cut-out mark, and cloned around it so that the edges of the paste would disappear.
Sleeve-front: I did a lot of cloning to make the very minor ring wear disappear. Beyond that, can’t do much because of the thin text.
Sleeve-back: Again, black less vivid so it had to be replaced
Back cover: The cut-out that appeared here was easy to remove because it was just on the mat of the trampoline. Beyond that, no trouble at all.
Labels: Love these labels. Very easy to fix and upload.