Barry Manilow – Barry Manilow
Released: 1973
Label: Bell Records
Front cover: This album is as old as me. Wow. It has held up remarkably well and only needed minor cleanup. I used cloning to fix the very minor ring wear.
Sleeve-front: The sleeve is clearly yellowed and I couldn’t do much without ruining the integrity of the text. There’s also tape on three of the sides to hold it together and that had to be cloned out on both sides.
Sleeve-back: Again, the imperfections essentially had to be left alone. There was some discoloration that was carefully cloned out too.
Back cover: Pretty nice back cover. How it survived looking this good is entirely beyond me.
Front cover (reissue): This is in pretty good shape. Just removed a cut-out punch on the upper right-hand corner.
Sleeve (reissue): This is in pretty good shape too! It’s begun to yellow, though not as badly as I figured it would have. It was wrinkled so I used the paint bucket to fix it. It didn’t hurt the text! The other side of the sleeve is white with nothing on it so I didn’t bother with it.
Labels: The first label was in great shape. The second one needed some work. I actually had to patch the second label with elements from the first. Somehow, the second one has some awful deep scratches in the logo design and I had to take the entire logo from the first label and paste it over the logo on the second one.
Labels (reissue): These are pretty nice. There are some minor pock marks on the second label but those were easily removed by “cloning”.